Trading &

What we do & why we do it
We source, store, sell, ship and distribute agricultural products including mangosteen, longan, honey & coffee beans.

We help our farmers grow better quality crops, more sustainably by teaching them agricultural techniques that will keep their land productive for future generations.

PT. Algro connecting buyers and roasters with specialty coffee sourced through sustainable producer relationships with a purpose to fulfill coffee global demand and supply chain.

ALGRO is a part of Alatied Corporation that evolved beyond retail business, with services including hospitality, food & beverages, insurance, aquaculture and real estate and office space management.

Alatif Corporation succeed to develop some famous brand in Indonesia such as Pasaray, Menara Sentraya, Gold France, and Pasaraya Life Insurance.

Our full Algro catalogue 2023

Price List

*Price will updates regularly


Frequently Asked Questions

Trading & Processing
However, we rather combine traditional methods with edvanced technologies while catering to the global market, to sustain the distinctive characteristics of Indonesia’s finest coffee.

The processing of our coffee beans takes place in modern plants and upholds international standarts of quality.

Traditionally, Sumateran coffee is processed with the wet hulling method (giling basah). Here, parchment of skin is removed (hulled) while the beans are still moist and resilient (wet). However, recently the wet hulling process has been refined with better fruit selection and processing, more precise timing of hulling, more careful drying practice, and better handling and shipping of finished coffee.

Growing within the changing landscape of the global coffee industry, Algro has been developed out export business by widening our assortment of coffee varietas, ranging from the finest Arabica coffee Sumatra, as well as Robusta coffee from Sumatra.

Still, we continue to look for opportunities to further enhance our business in export. We pay attention the the current situation of Internationally standard of coffee quality. Our export activities are executed by appropriate assistance in planning and selling. We innovate and implement our service with the goal of becoming trusted supplier of the finest Indonesia specialty coffee.

Consumer & Horeca
In order to execute all the fundamentals necessary to be successful in the coffee business, Algro stays in a constant mode of learning and self-development in moving to another coffee direction of consumer market.

Coffee consumer is one of fastest-growing businesses in coffee industry. However, the competition is huge and even global. Bringing our game to the next level, we are entering coffee retailing worth the aim to seize niche market opportunities.

As the quality of our coffee beans has been accepted worldwide, we are supplying roasted and ground coffee to certain Indonesian premium coffee brands. We also manufacture high quality coffee drinks for other brands, seizing opportunities to introduce our coffee to a wider range of consumers.

As the quality of our coffee beans has been accepted worldwide, we are supplying roasted and ground coffee to certain Indonesian premium coffee brands. We also manufacture high quality coffee drinks for other brands, seizing opportunities to introduce our coffee to a wider range of consumers.

As the quality of our coffee beans has been accepted worldwide, we are supplying roasted and ground coffee to certain Indonesian premium coffee brands. We also manufacture high quality coffee drinks for other brands, seizing opportunities to introduce our coffee to a wider range of consumers.

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Fresh Produce for Business Needs

Partner with Algro as your supplier to enhance your offerings with exceptional-quality, exotic Indonesia fruits. For B2B and bulk inquiries, contact us today to learn how we can meet your business needs.

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